Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Men and women, they are totally different, we think different we love different we care different, and here comes the disappointment, I could be out with someone I like and I am happy all day long and every thing went just fine, but for example he could forget to call to check that I drove safe I will jump to one conclusion “HE DOES NOT CARE ENOUGH “.. Even if the other part of my brain think differently but I will still feel down , and would set all the night feeling dissatisfied , angry and feeling all alone . Men don’t get this we women demand small things that really count you can say its silly, but it’s just the way we feel; we need to feel loved and cared for , and don’t pretend because we defiantly got the higher senses and we feel what’s going inside your brain.
Wondering how you can show someone in your life that you care about them? Here are a few suggestions that may help you do just that all from the web and as women I highly recommend.

1.      Do NOT flirt with other girls AT ANY TIME; if you do you're on thin ice: She's bound to find out, you'll lack purpose in your relationship and you'll hate yourself for your nasty behavior.

Besides it means you're not loyal to your girl or your relationship with her. Most girls will view it as cheating and you just might lose her, and it'll serve you right. Don't be stupid, value what you have and know

2.      Tell her she's beautiful and mean it. Compliment her not only on her looks, but also on her accomplishments, talents and abilities. Always be sincere.

3.      Don't ever let her suffer from back-seat syndrome. Granted, you might have very close female friends who have been around longer. But if you appear to enjoy spending more time with them than your girlfriend - and she has noticed - she may be suffering from what girls call 'back seat syndrome'. Think: how would you like it if she preferred hanging out with guy friends to you? What if she hung out with her guy friend alone? What if she was constantly texting other guys in your company? If she starts to mention that she is feeling second-place, change your attitude quickly but tell nobody.

4.      Don't texts them in her company, and let her know that you prefer spending time with her than other girls? Like you would with other guys, she will naturally begin to assume they are not threat. Don't lie to her; you should genuinely enjoy spending time with your girl. If you are attracted to one of your female friends, it is a good idea to cut the communication short, be friendly but cut it clean; it is highly likely your girlfriend will notice, girls have many ways to know and boys are so basic and ultimately she will start to consider how loyal you are to her.

5.      Do It, Don’t Say It. You know that old common wisdom, “Actions speak louder than words”? Well, it’s true. While you can apologize for not doing something until you’re blue in the face, you’ll gain so much more appreciation by another in your life by simply doing it in the first place. Yes, it means you have to work harder to keep on top of things to begin with, even with simple things like being their, calling for no reason, checking on her every once a while.

6.       Refuse to Argue and Pick Your Battles. Arguments are a constant source of relationship strife, even amongst family members or friends. You may say, “How can I just stop arguing?” Easy, because engaging in a conversation with another person is a choice we make (whether we always do so consciously or not). Make a conscious effort to note when you’re entering into an argument, and then just stop. Remember, not every argument is worth engaging in — so don’t feel like you have to get into an argument just because someone else is asking for one. “Sorry, I can’t talk about this right now, let’s talk more about this later…” or “You’re right, I’m wrong, I’m sorry” will put a sudden halt to the argument. This leads us to…

7.      Be confident. Be proud of being her boyfriend. There are appropriate times and places for affection. Kissing and intimate touching does not usually go over well in public. But don't be too shy to hold her hand in public because you shouldn't be ashamed that she's yours. She will love it when you walk by her friends and they see how good her boy friend is.

8.      Share your everyday events and thoughts with your girl. Being open and communicative makes her feel like you want her in your life. On the same note, listen to her advice even if you don't agree, force yourself to listen and to see the good of her reasoning. Keep an open ear and an open mind.

9.      Apologize Often, Even If you’re not wrong. Why should you apologize even if you’re not “wrong?” Well, it depends on your point of view. Is being “right” more important to you than your loved one’s feelings? Is being “right” something you’ll be proud of when you’re on your deathbed “Well, hell, I may have caused her a world of hurt, but at least she knew who was right!”

Apologies are simple, free, and entirely within your world of control. Handing them out just as freely and easily will, in the long-run, make you feel better and also make your loved ones feel better. It shows you care more about them rather than winning any particular (all-too-often, silly) argument. (As with all things, when taken to an extreme, this is also not particularly healthy behavior, but do know when to pick your battles.

10.  Listen to her. The number one complaint many women have regarding men is that they don't listen. Even if you're not particularly interested in what she's saying, listen, and then acknowledge that you were listening. Let her know that you are the one that she can talk to about anything! Be there for her through thick and thin. She will feel comfortable with you and trust you

11.  Do Something Unexpected.
Most people love a surprise, especially when that surprise is something that helps them or makes their life a little bit easier, if just for a minute. It could be as simple as a card to show appreciation “Just because,” or offering to watch the kids one night when it wasn’t your turn. It could be saying, “Hey, I’ll cook dinner tonight” or “Hey, I’ll take out the trash,” and then just doing it. Even simple actions can speak volumes, especially if the other person has had an especially difficult day. Imagine if it were your night to cook but you’ve had an especially difficult, stressful day. Your significant other knows this, and offers to cook instead. It’s a great expression of caring, even when it may seem too obvious or simple.

12.  Don't start getting lazy about how you look just because you think she's yours. Continue trying to impress her because she might just lose interest if you begin to slack off. Look smart for you and for her!

13.  Remember important dates. This is a big deal with women. Birthdays, anniversaries and other milestones are all opportunities to show her how special she is to you

14.   Sharing is Caring. Sound trite? You bet it does, but guess what, it’s also true. It’s so much easier to eat the last cookie, or to get a glass of water just for you. But it shows you care when you offer someone else the last cookie or ask the other person if there’s anything you can get them while you’re up. Simple acts of kindness are the ones we so easily overlook in everyday life. Yet they speak volumes to others in our lives.

15.  Wake Every Morning with An Appreciation for The Other Person. Being grateful for the people and things in our lives is one of the simplest ways to achieve a sense of daily happiness. You don’t have to engage in huge displays of love or affection. Simple actions, like saying, “I love you” or packing someone’s favorite lunch may be all that’s needed. Often time, living with someone day in and day out can breed a certain familiarity (or, as the old saying goes, “contempt”). Keep that in mind, acting in a manner consistent with someone who loves another, not someone who is keeping silent score. Even if your partner never knows it, it’s a way of showing you care that can be just as important as any outward, direct display.
16.  Make sure you spend enough time with her to show her how much you care, and to make your relationship grow.
Lastly, if you want her to be yours forever, let her know you're there for her when she needs you, and most importantly make her feel loved, special, safe and protected. Your woman wants to be your queen so treat her as such and you'll glide happily along.

Women you gotta stop expecting him to be a mind reader, because he won’t, the following is some tips for women to do to have an idea about How to Talk to Your Partner About What You Don’t Like Without Starting World War III ,

Separate Your Partner from What He Does

Often, when we don’t like something our partner is doing, we criticize him as a person.  Instead of telling him you don’t like that he leaves his dirty dishes on the counter, you tell him he’s selfish and uncaring.
The key to talking to your partner about what you don’t like is to separate your partner’s behavior from who she is as a person.

 Share Doing Wants

“Doing Wants” is what you would specifically like to see your partner doing. Tell your partner what you would like to see them do or say. “Doing Wants” are not used to tell your partner to change his insides (intentions, thoughts, feelings).
This is like the famous line “I want you to WANT to do the dishes”.   That won’t work.  Just tell him you want him to do the dishes.
Again stick to what you want them to specifically DO that you could see or hear.
So, if you’re thinking “I want my partner to give me more attention” then get specific. What would giving you more attention look like to you? How can your partner DO “more attention”? Then let your partner know these specific actions.
“When I come home from work, I would like it if you would shut off the television, give me a kiss and say something like “any ideas for dinner honey” in a loving tone of voice.”
One important thing to remember is that “Doing Wants” are merely requests. You are telling your partner what you like and what works for you. That doesn’t necessarily mean she will be able to, or even want to, do it.  “Doing Wants” are best delivered in with a non-demanding and loving attitude.
Don’t forget to smile, hope you like the Blog  

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